January’s Team Player of the Month!
John Guy CNC Machinist | 6 Years | Forest Lake – CMD Collaboration: We embody team spirit, passion and a positive attitude to ensure the success of our employees, company and suppliers. John has shown a tremendous amount of team spirit, passion and a positive...
Technology Transfer: A Proven Process
Executive Summary In this whitepaper, we explore the technology transfer process, what makes it work, the lessons we’ve learned, common challenges and how to overcome them. Download Velosity Technology Transfer White Paper Overview: What is Technology Transfer?...
Employee Appreciation Event with Keynote Speaker Jim Craig
Velosity started the year by thanking employees for their hard work and achievement in 2022 at the annual employee appreciation event. Velosity hosted over 540 employees and guests from all facilities including Teamvantage, MMD Medical, Custom Mold & Design and...